Terms of Service


Odin Pools will be closed, and service will not be provided on the following weeks:

Thanksgiving Week
Christmas Week
Spring Break (one week in March)

Odin Pools will send out reminders ahead of each break in service and prep the pool/spa accordingly in the weeks leading up to ensure optimal pool performance.


The parties agree that circumstances can arise that affect or prevent the pool company from performing its tasks. These may include but are not limited to weather, illness, holidays, and time constraints. Should these circumstances occur, the pool company will decide on the best course of action, which may include an abbreviated service.


The customer will ensure the pool company access to the pool area and equipment on the designated/scheduled service day. If the pool company is unable to access the pool area and equipment for any reason, services, at the discretion of the pool company, may be rescheduled. The customer is not due a refund or credit for these days.

Water Level

The customer is responsible for maintaining the correct water level. Odin Pools will not add water to the pool during our weekly visits. Odin Pools can install a fill line timer or autofill for additional fees.


Odin Pools is a dog-friendly company. We typically carry treats for dogs. If you choose to have us not provide treats for your dogs, please let us know. 

Excessive Debris

Although rare, removal of excessive debris may incur an additional charge. 

Filter Cleaning

Odin Pools will clean your filter a minimum of two times per year. Each cleaning will be charged at the current rate plus any parts that may be necessary. Various conditions may adversely affect the integrity of the filter and components resulting in the cleaning of your filter more often. Please note that we cannot determine the condition of internal components prior to cleaning. Any part we determine to be deficient will be replaced during the cleaning process and these parts will be invoiced along with the cleaning fee.  

Save up to 20% on Monthly Cleaning + get a Free Filter Cleaning!

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